National Midwifery Institute
Lincoln, Vermont
Show Cause issued on January 10, 2025
NMI has not demonstrated compliance with Section III.G.3 or Section E of the Accreditation Handbook: Fees.
NMI is required to respond to this Show Cause Directive on why adverse action should not be taken against the institution. The response must include, but is not limited to:
- Agreement for Payment of Fees signed by NMI’s owners, directors, and officers to comply with the terms of the Agreement to Pay Fees in the amounts and time frames outlined in the Terms of the Agreement. The Agreement will not be modified or extended, and if payment is not made on time, the Agreement will be void, and any outstanding balance will be due in full. The signed agreement is due: January 17, 2025.
- Any outstanding payments within the reinstated payment plan that become due and payable under the Agreement prior to the date the Show Cause Response is due: June 16, 2025.
- A three-five year strategic and operational plan demonstrating financial sustainability and operational controls that assure fiduciary accountability and responsibility with an updated budget for the current fi scal year due: April 1, 2025. Thereafter, NMI must submit Compliance Reports benchmarking its progress against the specifi c goals and objectives of the plan and compliance with V.B1, V.B2 (as applicable), and V.B3 quarterly due: April 1, 2025, August 1, 2025, and December 1, 2025.
Pursuant to III.J.2 of the MEAC Policies and Procedures, the program’s show cause response will be processed in the same manner as a Compliance Report. In evaluating and resolving the show cause, MEAC may take any of the actions described in III.J.2 of the Policies and Procedures, including placing the institution on probation or taking immediate adverse action if the institution has not shown adequate cause and immediate adverse action is warranted. This could include, but is not limited to, non-compliance with the terms of the reinstated Payment Agreement.