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Workshop Resources

Thank you for participating in a MEAC Training Workshop.  Below you will find the six steps to basic MEAC training for potential schools and volunteers.  The materials in each step may further help you in your journey.  Please note that all materials on these pages are the property of MEAC and no permission is given to share them with individuals who are not currently volunteering with MEAC or working for your applicant school.

Step One
If MEAC staff gave you a link directly to this page, we encourage you to spend time becoming familiar with the rest of the website. Information about our processes, standards, policies, and FAQs are all easy to find and quite valuable.  Click through the navigation tabs along the top as well as the 3 big links in the middle of the home page.

Step Two
Download and read all of the sections of the MEAC Accreditation Handbook.  Note that it includes sections on both Standards for Institutions and Standards for Programs. You may want to review the difference between Programmatic and Institutional accreditation here.  Please know that as changes occur, the handbook will be updated online only.  Always check back for a current version before you rely on information in your downloaded copy.

Step Three
If you are a member of an Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) or you would like an insider view to that work, you should read the Accreditation Review Training Manual.

Step Four
Everyone new to MEAC should take the time to watch this 30-minute Overview of the Accreditation Process.  It will orient you to the big picture of accreditation and some important policies you should know before you begin.  It is a private video so you must log in to YouTube to view it.  If you do not yet have permission to access the video, please send a request to

Step Five
By this time, most people have some specific questions about MEAC Standards.  The  2013 Standards Training Videos are intended to walk you through the highlights and tricky areas of each Standard.

Step Six
Consider what other specialized information you need.  The Member Pages maintained for schools, ARC members, and MEAC Board members house additional materials appropriate for those roles.  From information on Distance Education and the related Standards to the latest information on state authorization, MEAC tries to keep the Member Pages current and useful.  Contact us if you have suggestions for additional content.

Thank you for your interest in MEAC Accreditation!  We value the work that the community puts forth to improve midwifery education and make midwifery care available to families everywhere.